Another meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, January 16th at 7:00pm at the Richland Township Municipal Building located at 1328 California Rd. Residents are encouraged to attend if they would like more information on the proposed development.
Woodrow & Associates, Inc. has submitted a final plan to Richland Township for a 38-lot subdivision of the property located on the 28.6 acres at 380 Trumbauersville Road (Tax Parcel #36-013-007). As we are an adjoining neighborhood to this property, they have notified us of the proposal submission and of the upcoming planning meeting to be held on Tuesday, December 19th, 7:00pm at the Richland Township Municipal Building located at 1328 California Road.
In case you weren’t aware, Bucks County Water & Sewer Authority offers a program named “$afeGuard” which is designed to help customers offset the cost of repairing the water service line and the sewer lateral line that run from the outside of their homes to the main. Click the image below for more information.